Delivering the world to Nigeria.

 +234 802 335 3246

We ship via air, ocean and land. Call us.

We ship via air, ocean and land. Call us.

Let us help you store your goods

Let us help you store your goods

We handle volume, any volume.

We handle volume, any volume.

We ship containers via ocean

We ship containers via ocean

Welcome to IOSA Link Ltd

Air Freight

Air Freight

We provide fast air freight services, around the world.

Ocean Freight

Ocean Freight

We provide fast ocean freight services, around the world.



We provide storage and logstics services.

Full fledged logistics solutions

We offer full fledged logistics services for our clients from pick up to delivery.

Quick deliveries

We understand the importance of being on time. Quick service is our promise to you.

We carry weight.

Whatever the load, whatever the weight. We work with partners who can carry the weight.

NIN Registration

For Nigerians in the UK, we offer NIN registration services.